Start with making money online

When you are researching to start with making money online you might be overwhelmed with the choices and not knowing where to start. You’re probably also wondering which of the many sites and methods are legit, worth your time and actually paying out. Luckily here on Beermoney Global the experience and research is available for you to use!

On this page you can get started by trying out from the essential selection below. These are must-try websites and methods from a range of categories available in the beermoney and online money making world: surveys, passive earning, tasks, crypto, apps, large studies,… All of them are well-known, established and legit means to start with making money online!

100% Passive

Surveys, Offers & Tasks

Free Crypto Every Hour

Paid to Google

Share your bandwith

Mobile App

Big Rewards

Essentials for Africa, Asia & South-America

100% Passive

Best for Asia, Africa & South-America


Discover the tried and true methods of globally available online money-making opportunities